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Smart Mobile Assets Management

Extensive data analytics platform, that enable real time data acquisition from mobile assets and perform detailed data analytics to derive actionable insights.

Challenges operating heavy machines are varied according to the industries and environment they operate on, but could be generally listed as below:


  1. Performance deterioration

  2. Unexpected downtime

  3. Inability to complete operational execution plans

  4. Hazards at work environment

  5. Accidents

Our domain experts have fed in default intelligence into the system to analyze performance deterioration and we ensure to overcome these challenges with our extensive data analytics platform, that enables real time data acquisition from mobile assets and analytics to derive actionable insights. 

To schedule a demo, Mail us:

MachineTalkz Platform

Our platform targets all aspects of mobile assets management to address Performance, Shift and Service Management.




▸Real time Data Acquisition.

▸Performance Deterioration can be remotely fixed using strategies defined by domain experts.

▸System predicts possible downtime for assets enabling operators/admins to plan operations.​

▸Data analytics, machine learning and subject matter experts participation to predict, manage and avoid issues.​

▸Service planner enables users to easily schedule services for asset​.

▸Shift planner helps the user plans shift based on the operations and tasks planned for the heavy machine. The system provides easy integration methods to collate operations and tasks for the customer.​

Get in touch

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